For 50 years, the Prospero Company has shared the Prospero family hobby, winemaking, with local home winemakers.

In 1972, Prospero founder Tony Prospero started selling California wine grapes from a fruit stand helping home winemakers produce their own high-quality wine.
More than 25 years later in 1999, Prospero expanded to become a bonded winery producing affordable, everyday wines to locals.
Today Prospero Winery continues our tradition of selling mainstream wine. We also cater to commercial businesses by offering wine grapes and juice, bulk wine, and co-packing.
A History of Prospero Winery
The Prospero family opens a market in Pleasantville, NY supplying California wine grapes.
Starts selling home winemaking equipment.
Continues to provide wine grapes and juices, creates a recognized brand, and establishes multi-generational bonds with clients.
Prospero Winery becomes a bonded winery.
Introduces a yearly Home Winemaker Competition.
Begins to import 100% olive oil from Abruzzo, Italy.
Becomes environmentally friendly with the installation of solar panels at our Pleasantville facility and organizing a “Refill Your Own Wine’ program.
Launches a Home Winemaker Competition Dinner fundraiser to support the Blythedale & Maria Fareri Children’s Hospitals. We are dedicated to helping these hospitals for years to come.
Prospero celebrates 50 years.